Chiropractic care treatment begins with the evaluation of the patient, when the health history (anamnesis) is analyzed and when the physical examination is performed (postural evaluation, muscle and joint function, analysis of the imaging tests, orthopedic and neurological tests), with the objective of identifying the changes that establish the diagnostic hypothesis and the treatment plan.
The number of sessions required for patient recovery will depend on the results of the initial evaluation, the severity of the symptoms presented and the patient’s goals. Once the symptoms decrease, it is important to stabilize and strengthen the previously treated structures. This phase is fundamental to prevent recurrence of crises and specially to achieve a state of well-being.
The chart below details the main treatment phases.
In general, the chiropractic treatment comprises in 3 phases:
1 Reduction of Symptoms
At this stage, the aim is to identify, alleviate or even eliminate complaints by correcting damaged structures and restoring joint integrity. During this phase the sessions are more frequent.
2 Recovery
With the decrease of the symptoms, it will be necessary to avoid recurrences. During this stage, the mechanical stability of the previously treated structures is sought, and as a result, the nervous system starts to operate free of interferences, potentializing the power of self-regeneration of the body. At this stage, the sessions decrease in frequency, however, the discontinuity of the treatment can lead to the return of the symptoms and the imbalances previously presented.
3 Maintenance and Welfare
This phase is characterized by the integrity and smooth functioning of the spine and joints. Chiropractic adjustment helps to keep the nervous system in its ideal state (free from interference), relieves day-to-day stress, such as postural defects, falls, excess weight, poor exercise or lack of proper rest, and avoids future problems. Maintenance is also linked to the prevention of degenerative processes, as well as the control and monitoring of previously treated corrections. At this stage the sessions become more spaced out.